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What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a medicinal oil with concentrated cannabidiol and that provides all the benefits of this compound. This cannabinoid is extracted from the cannabis plant, isolating it from other illegal substances such as THC, making this product totally legal and without any type of psychoactive effect or side effects.

Our CBD oils only contain natural ingredients produced in the EU. They come with an MCT oil base (medium chain triglycerides from coconut) that also provides many health benefits.

Would you like to know everything about CBD? We have written several articles in the form of a guide where you can learn everything about this medicinal cannabis compound.

Click here to see the CBD Guide

What is it for?

Cannabidiol oil has a multitude of benefits and uses for people's health. There are many studies and research that detail how CBD is capable of improving the quality of life of people and even animals in multiple ailments. It is used every day by more people as a natural alternative to many medications due to its effective beneficial properties.

We have a section on this website created by us where we explain how this compound can help in different pathologies. If you need more detailed information, we invite you to consult our section ailments and diseases. If you can't find yours, you can contact us and we will try to help you as best as possible.

How is CBD oil used?

Cannabidiol oil is presented in 10 ml bottles and prepared for dosing in drops. Each person may need a different dosage of daily drops depending on the severity of their condition and their body weight. To better understand the necessary dose for each person, we have written a guide with different tables according to the concentration of each of our oils (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) that you can consult. clicking here.

Buy medicinal CBD oil

In this online store you have the highest quality cannabidiol oil on the market available to buy, extracted and refined from the best European crops.