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HHC is becoming fashionable in the cannabis community, especially in North America, where HHC vape cartridges, hash, and buds are flooding dispensaries and being marketed as legal alternatives to THC. Here we explain everything about it powerful cannabinoid, its legality, safety, effects and much more.

Have you heard of hexahydrocannabinol or HHC?

This semi-synthetic cannabinoid is causing a stir around the world for offering a “clean”, safe and, above all, legal way to experience a THC-like effect. But what is HHC, how is it produced and how does it act in the body? In this article we analyze in detail the cannabinoid HHC, its production, pharmacological use and safety.

What is HHC (hexahydrocannabinol)?

HHC is a cannabinoid that is taking the cannabis community by storm. Like Δ-8-THC, HHC is generating a lot of excitement due to its similarity to Δ-9-THC. But unlike “traditional” THC, the legal situation of HHC is more complex. Although it has many things in common with its natural counterpart, hexahydrocannabinol is a different compound, with a unique molecular structure and effects.

Many sources refer to hexahydrocannabinol as a “semi-synthetic cannabinoid.” This is because, despite being found in small quantities in the cannabis plant, HHC is usually obtained synthetically from THC. In fact, HHC was first discovered in a laboratory, and not in a marijuana plant.

Origins of hexahydrocannabinol

HHC was first synthesized by American chemist Roger Adams in the 1940s. Adams was the head of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois from 1926 to 1954, and at that time was a key researcher in the field of dope. In fact, Adams was granted a license to continue studying cannabis even after he was criminalized by the federal government under the United States Marijuana Taxation Act of 1937.

It is estimated that Adams, along with more than 250 of his doctoral students, conducted more than 20 different marijuana experiments during his time at the University of Illinois. Through these experiments, Adams and his students isolated and/or synthesized many cannabis compounds, such as CBD, THC, and HHC, and documented the unique relationships between these and other components of the plant. Adams is also credited with creating the Adams scale to measure the potency of marijuana, and the discovery of the Adams catalyst (or platinum dioxide), which is used as a catalyst in hydrogenation.

What are the differences between HHC and THC?

Although HHC is present in the cannabis plant, its natural concentrations are very low. Therefore, it is usually synthesized in the laboratory from THC. HHC and THC are very similar in many ways, but there are a few key differences between the two compounds.

First of all, HHC and THC have different chemical structures. While Δ-8 THC has a double bond on the eighth carbon atom of the central ring and Δ-9 has this bond on the ninth carbon atom, HHC simply lacks these double bonds. These small differences make HHC a much more stable compound than THC, giving it a longer shelf life (THC naturally degrades rapidly into CBN when exposed to heat and light).

Another important difference between HHC and THC is that, while the latter is most often derived from recreational/medicinal marijuana, the majority of HHC on the market today comes from hemp, allowing its manufacturers and retailers to bypass some of the laws regulating THC.

Unfortunately, there is not much information about how HHC works in the body. However, its psychoactive effects and chemical structure similar to that of THC suggest that it is likely to bind to the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors. Still, more research is needed to confirm the exact mechanisms of action of HHC.

Can you get high with the HHC?

Yes, HHC is psychoactive. Most of the information available about its effects comes from consumer reports, so it is very subjective. Manufacturers of HHC-based products support this data, stating that HHC has approximately 70-80% of the potency of THC.

Effects of the cannabinoid HHC

Those who consume HHC indicate that its effects are similar to those of THC, although less intense. Some describe them as cerebral and “intoxicating,” while others say they are uplifting, slightly euphoric, clear-headed, and energetic. Compared to Δ-8 THC, HHC appears to have more invigorating effects.

Research conducted in 1977 also indicates that HHC shares small similarities with pain relievers such as morphine (Bloom et al.), but there have not yet been enough studies to support these findings.

It must be remembered that, as with other cannabinoids, the effects of HHC are subjective and can vary depending on our body chemistry, tolerance to cannabinoids, the environment and situation, and the quality and quantity of the product. of HHC that is consumed.

Is HHC legal?

HHC, like other versions of THC such as Δ-8 and Δ-10, is often promoted as a legal way to get high. However, the legality of all these cannabinoid analogues is very complex and different in each country.
In the US, HHC is legal under the 2018 Farm Bill, which allows hemp and hemp products to contain minimal levels of THC. Thanks to this law, HHC can be obtained from THC in hemp, and shipped/sold in all 50 states of the country.

Outside of the United States, laws governing HHC, and similar cannabinoid alternatives, may vary. For example, in the EU there is no general law regulating the control of marijuana throughout the union, and many European countries make exceptions for varieties of marijuana that contain trace amounts of THC (such as hemp). In these countries, HHC could be technically legal due to the gap in the legislative system.

As is often the case in the marijuana sector, many governments around the world are catching up and have not yet clarified their stance towards HHC. For anyone interested in purchasing HHC-based products and having them delivered to their country, it is recommended to check with local authorities and obtain detailed information on whether or not HHC is legal in their region.

HHC in Spain

The HHC is currently completely legal in Spain. Although it is a cannabinoid that is gaining fame for its psychoactivity, it is not yet classified as a drug since its effect is less than that of its older brother THC. You can be calm and confident buy HHC on our website from Spain.

Can HHC test positive for drugs?

To date there is no evidence that HHC tested positive for drugs. Again, due to the paucity of research surrounding HHC, it is difficult to know if consumption of this cannabinoid can influence the results of a drug test. In theory, drug tests look for the presence of THC metabolites, primarily the compounds 11-OH-THC and THC-COOH. Since HHC is different from THC, we can assume that it is not metabolized into either of the above two compounds.

Is HHC safe?

There are no studies on the short- or long-term effects of HHC. Most of the information we have about this compound comes from consumer reviews and claims from HHC manufacturers. Therefore, although there are no case reports in which HHC has caused serious problems, it is too early to assess the safety profile of this compound.

If you are thinking about trying HHC-based products, be careful. Check that the purchase and/or consumption of HHC is legal, and verify the reliability of the manufacturers you plan to use, to ensure that their products are of the highest quality. Some HHC companies publish independent test results to give their customers more information about the composition of their products.

Despite the great lack of knowledge about this compound, it is expected that, as we learn more about HHC, cannabinoid products will become more accessible to people around the world. For now, all we can do is keep up to date with new developments.

How is HHC made?

HHC is made by hydrogenation, adding hydrogen to the THC molecule and changing its physical and physiological properties.

The hydrogenation of the molecules present in the cannabis plant improves stability and resistance to thermo-oxidative degradation, that is, HHC has a longer shelf life and is less exposed to damage caused by UV rays or heat .

Does HHC provide benefits?

Given its novel nature (despite having been discovered several decades ago), it is too early to draw conclusions about the effects of HHC. The few hemp and marijuana companies that sell HHC products claim that it may have similar properties to THC-rich products, but there are no clinical trials or scientific studies to support these claims.

HHC: conclusion

HHC is a very new semi-synthetic cannabinoid. And although it is generating a lot of buzz, and could be an interesting and unique way to enjoy marijuana, we know very little about this compound and how it acts in the body.

We recommend extreme caution when experimenting with HHC, or any substance that has not been extensively studied, until we have more information about its safety profile and effects.

Our friend Javier Garrido tells us about his experience with the HHC:

“I really wanted to try the HHC so I bought one Vaper HHC from hispacbd, and as soon as I tried it I felt a relaxing effect after a few seconds. Ideal for relieving pain and helping you sleep. Probably one of the best vaporizers I've ever tried and my new favorite cannabinoid. It is not as potent as D9 THC, but it is much easier to obtain since it can be purchased HHC in Spain legally.

Tolerance builds quickly, as with most concentrated cannabinoids, but the effects are pleasant at all tolerance levels. The effects appear within minutes and are definitely better than Delta 8. Mental cloudiness is more like Delta 9 THC.

It is a very well-balanced cannabinoid with a pleasant and euphoric sensation at the same time, ideal for both relaxing and having a laugh.

You should try it if you are looking for a legal alternative to THC, you will try it with other cannabinoids and probably enjoy it even more. Congratulations to the guys who figured out how to do this.

Where to buy HHC

At HispaCBD we have the best HHC products, which go through multiple quality and purity tests to achieve the best effects. On this page you can see our catalog and place an order very quickly and easily.

Our HHC products

We have on this page a wide variety of HHC aromatic products for all tastes. Our specialty is resins, there are no better ones hhc hash in the market. We also have flowers impregnated with a high percentage of HHC and concentrated vaporizers.